About The Table
A Community Food Centre
Until 2012 we were the Perth and District Food Bank, providing much needed food access services to people in Perth and surrounding areas who were living on low incomes. But we had a vision. We wanted to continue to meet the immediate need for food but we wanted to provide more fresh, whole and nutritious food. We also wanted to harness the power of food to make this a healthier, stronger, more just and inclusive community.
Beginning in January 2012 with the support of Community Food Centres Canada we transitioned to a new model and became the second affiliate Community Food Centre. We now offer integrated programs that provide access to healthy and delicious food. Community Food Centres work to bring people together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food.

Today our food supplement service is known as the Good Food Bank. We offer self-service shopping, organized to support healthy food choices. On the shelves are staples and fresh fruits and vegetables; in the fridge, fresh farms eggs and ground beef, milk and often yogourt or cheese.
Three times a week at community meals we serve up nourishment and companionship. We have cooking and gardening sessions for all ages, as well as social justice and advocacy courses and services.
Because our vision includes a sustainable food system in which everyone has access to good food and not just enough food, we are growing some of the food we need in our community garden and buying as much as possible from local producers and promoting their vital role in a healthy community.
You can find out more about the history and work of Community Food Centres Canada by watching this six-minute video introduction and by reading our "Good Food Principles" for more about the CFCC approach.
Our success is made possible thanks to the support of our community, our volunteers, participants and our generous donors. Together, we are working toward a healthy and fair food system.

Our Mission
The Table’s mission is to foster a healthier and more connected community. We do this by increasing access to healthy food, improving food skills and food literacy, advocating for individual well-being, and educating, engaging and advocating for social policies to address food insecurity and poverty.