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Your Feedback is Welcome 

Our Feedback Policy

The Table maintains an atmosphere that is respectful and courteous to all, and one which provides a positive experience and excellent service to all its program participants. We know that we may not always get it right and we rely on our participants and volunteers to help it figure out when we are falling short. We want to know of any problems with the quality of a service it provides and welcomes any comments or suggestions from participants and volunteers.


If clients have a suggestion about how The Table can improve its service or if they think of a new service that The Table could provide and that might be of assistance or interest to its clients, The Table would like to hear about it. Likewise, if The Table does something really well or if a staff or volunteer member goes above and beyond to make someone’s experience really good, The Table would like to hear about that too.

The Table will put the following process in place to ensure that its participants feel comfortable in providing feedback about their experience at The Table. The Table will post a copy of its policy and process on its website and in The Table’s premises.

The Executive Director will report to the Table’s Board of Directors on a monthly basis regarding any unresolved complaints about service brought to the attention of the Executive Director.


Feedback Procedures
  • A staff member will be available during all open hours to hear comments, complaints and suggestions.

  • There will be a clearly marked “comments and suggestions” box placed in a prominent place in The Table building with pens and paper for people’s use.

  • The Table’s facebook page will also be monitored for comments, complaints an suggestions.

  • Staff will review every comment, complaint, and suggestion within 30 days after it i received. In the case of concerns, complaints and other feedback where a response is warranted the response will be provided within 30 days.

  • In the case of feedback received in the suggestion box, the response will be posted on the adjacent bulletin board. All responses will respect the anonymity and privacy of the person submitting the comment.

  • If a participant has made a comment, complaint or suggestion but does not feel that the response is adequate, or if the complaint is about the service provided by a staff person or volunteer, the client is encouraged to bring it to the Executive Director.

  • If the comment or suggestion is still not addressed or the complaint is still not resolved, th participant should feel free to forward it in writing to the Chair of The Table’s Board of

  • Directors at

Tells us about your exerience...

Thanks for your feedback.

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