Food Donations
The Table focuses on making the healthiest and most nutritious food choices available to our community.
We invite you to help us keep our shelves, fridges and freezers fully stocked.
Please nothing that is out of date or damaged.
Prepared foods must from a certified kitchen.
Meats must be slaughtered and butchered in a certified facility and eggs must be graded.
All farm and garden produce in good condition is most welcome. (Please no massive zuchinnis!)
For non-perishable food donations please choose items that meet our Core Foods criteria:​
Rich in nutrients
In environmentally-friendly packaging
Locally grown and/or produced
Low in sodium (salt)
Low in fat
Low to no processing
Less than 3-5 ingredients on the label

Examples of Core Foods
Canned whole, diced or crushed tomatoes
Canned vegetables
Canned tomato paste and sauce
Canned pasta sauces
Canned seafood
Canned beans and dried beans
Natural peanut butter
Bread - whole grain/whole wheat when possible
Dried pasta
Grains and seeds
Breakfast cereals (low sugar)